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Japanese Ogawa jute rope (natural, treated, 6mm)

Japanese Ogawa jute rope (natural, treated, 6mm)

Regular price 549,00 Kč
Regular price Sale price 549,00 Kč
Discount Sold out
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New in stock! Limited stock available.

Ogawa in Japan is a renowned producer of shibari rope. It is lightweight, easy to manoeuver, and braided with single-ply jute threads. The rope comes in natural colour, and the ends are knotted to provide 7.5m of treated, ready to use rope.

Take advantage as this rope is rarely in stock, and when it is, it goes fast!

Information & specs:

  • jute rope
  • natural colour
  • single-ply 6mm
  • diameter: 7.5m & 15m lengths 
  • Treated (oiled)
  • Ends: overhand knots
  • Source: Ogawa (Japan)

*NOTE: unlike our own Anatomie jute, this rope is well known for being JBO heavy, please consider before purchasing.

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    Customer Reviews

    Based on 1 review
    Not as expected, will need considerable conditioning

    The rope I received was not as “treated” as I had hoped and smells strongly of JBO. I’m pretty disappointed that I’ll need to go through the singeing and oiling process with each hank, given it takes hours. The rope is described as “ready to use” but there’s just no way, it would be very uncomfortable and agitating to the skin. What a bummer :(